Saturday 18 October 2014

Ok ok -.-'

Glitz and/or Goldy team .-. Two mortal enemies... Now some of you are like:"Psh -.-' She's on Goldy team, this blog is lame" Don't leave the blog because of that =.= Like I lost a friend because of the TEAMS! Yes, I'm talking about you Re. Yesterday I tried to pay with Xsolla -.-' They blocked both of my mother's credit cards and I have NO MORE CREDIT CARD PAYMENT OPTIONS!! -.-'! Damn the new company. I was in a Live Chat with them and they blocked that chat for me -.-' How Rude! They even took my money I didn't even get the stuff that I payed and it's OVER. GAME OVER FOR ME! -.-' Damn Xsolla. I loved Ultimate Pay more. ♦ 
Now Let's meet BOB:\☻/
                                     /   \
Bob is a little fat. Exuse that XD (Kinda rhymes)
I hate the thing that we need to pay for the cure -.-' Good plan WoozWorld to get more money. So that means we are zombie form forever. Because I CAN'T PAY WITH XSOLLA!!! -.-' God damn it =.=

-Kristina ♥

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