Tuesday 13 January 2015


Hey Newslings! I need to thank you all who clicked the ads because I earned 6 Euros! Thank you soo much, you don't know how much it means to me. Ok, so moving on. Here's the first news:

The NationZ have returned and soon it will be time to join as TributeZ and train for the ultimate prize. Learn about the ancient gods, Wooznis and Beexta, and how important they are to Woozworld history. 

                 "The Dawn of the NationZ"

"Long ago, at the beginning of Wooztime, ancient Woozens worshipped two great gods: Wooznis and Beexta, protectors of Woozworld and itsNationZ. Wooznis was a fierce golden warrior, the embodiment of the sun, while silver Beexta represented cunning, skill, and the moon. (It is from their names that we have our modern-day currencies, Wooz and Beex.) Wooznis and Beexta protected Woozworld from all that is evil.
At that time, there were four NationZ, and every Woozen belonged to one of them. The NationZ are:
-Mystic Alley, a fairy-tale land
-Cortoza, the dark and spooky
-Lib Street, the hip and urban center
-Colony V, a place for futuristic trend setters.
Each NationZ had its own leader, now known as the Woozband. In addition to leaders and Woozen citizens, each NationZ had their ownDefenderZ, warriors that served to protect the NationZ in case of attack. But under the watchful eye of their gods Wooznis and Beexta, Woozworld was such a peaceful place that the NationZ leaders decided to retire their DefenderZ and disband the NationZ. That is, until now…
There is a mysterious evil brewing in Woozworld. Knowing that something wicked this way comes, the Woozband have decided to revive the NationZ! Each NationZ will train their own TributeZ in hopes of discovering new versions of Wooznis and Beexta, who will rise above their peers with the ability to protect Woozworld against future attack.
Prepare yourselves… more information about these new training tactics will be coming soon.
May the Wooz be ever in your favor."

Sounds interesting. Moving on to the next part. XD (New news)

Meet the fairest of authors and Woozworld newest guest Suzanne Selfors ! Give her a hexcellent Woozworld welcome by visiting her WoozIn to say hello! I will be interviewing Suzanne about her spellbinding book Ever After High: Next Top Villain for my Bookz Club on Saturday January 17th!

Ok, um not so interesting, Jenny. That's it for today! Be sure to click the ads to help me! Thank you c; Stay tuned!

-Kristina ♥

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