Thursday, 4 December 2014


Newslings! I don't want spring to come ;_; I love the font and the edit on the blog so much, but it's a winter theme! I especially love the colors. I love this edit more than the first one from the blog and the second one. They were too dark .-. Well, at least I have pictures of the blog on my new phone :3 Oh and check this out: 


Should I try this in my motto? It's awesome XD Since Taye has her alt code motto? And does anyone have an idea what Woozworld movie should I watch? I watched Yeti High, Haunted Highways (waiting for a new episode), Fantabulous High (waiting for a new episode), It's time for revenge (waiting for new episode), Mack & James (waiting for a new episode). I need new movies! The dramatic ones too. Dramatic but good. Not boring =-= That's all I have to post now. XD Stay tuned!

-Kristinasrb ♥  or stb♥

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