Tuesday 3 February 2015

New chat!?

Hey Newslings! Today we have some important news about the Woozworld update. Woozworld is changing a lot, and is making people quit because it's getting unfair. The protests are rising and many people are complaining. We got a zoom in button, and a chat thing that is very unfair from Woozworld. Here's the news that Woozworld posted:

  Trusted Players Chat More Freely!

"Did you know that Woozworld’s Yetis have a self-filtering system when they speak? When they say something bad, it comes out as “WUUPZ!” (However, Yetis are so careful about what they say that you hardly ever see them speak!)
We also filter everything that’s said in Woozworld to maintain your safety, while giving you freedom to chat as you would in everyday life. As you know, inappropriate words are blocked in Woozworld. However, some words may be appropriate in some contexts but inappropriate in others. Therefore, we’ve updated the chat system: it now learns from how you speak and includes a trust system.
All Woozens start out with the ability to say most words. After you’ve played well for a while, you gain the system’s trust and are able to use more and more words. The more good words you use, the more trust you earn to speak freely. However, if you behave inappropriately in Woozworld, you may lose chat privileges and be stuck with a more limited vocabulary.
                                                                                                                   Trusted Chat Bar
                                                                                                                     Normal Chat Bar

                                                                                                                     Limited Chat Bar

Enjoy chatting in Woozworld, avoid any WUUPZ, and earn the trust to chat more freely!"

Ok, now that's not fair. I have the trusted chat, but it still isn't fair. We CAN NOT say any word anymore that's blocked, it's still blocked even if we add 'w' or 'l'. Woozworld turned so unfair, first the prices, the new updates, the unfair banning, firing good mods,this chat, etc.. There are more protests than ever. It's really unfair to us woozens, even Woozworld is getting less money. People are saying it'll shut down soon. :'( We want the old owner back. But he just doesn't reply. We're trying everything and we're not gonna give up. We want Woozworld Inc. to realise they're making a big mistake, but they won't listen. I don't know how to get what we wanted, but we'll try. I'll try with my friends. Do anything to help us, us woozens. The Woozworld NEWS team's usernames are: DeaXDea (Gamer), Leavving (Leavv) and me: Kristinasrb (Tina). If you like this blog or want to help us, please don't be shy, comment on our wallz, give us opinions about the blog, ask questions. It's an honor to have a kind of blog like this and work very hard on making it better. Thank you for your support. Stay tuned for more and don't forget to click the advertisments because it helps me. c;

-Kristina ♥

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