Saturday 14 February 2015


Happy Valentine's day Newslings! We have a lot of news today c; Ok so first sad news ;-; Moment of silence please, DeaXDea (Gamer) quit.. I don't know if she'll be back but she will always be a part of the blog. Leavving (Leavv) got grounded so she can't post or come online ;-; Ok, so Valentine's news! There is a special Valentine's section in ShopZ, it's last years clothes. Angel of LovZ and SparkZ of Love. They're too cute. The unitz are some romantic park, a love temple and the third one is like a ball room. ♥ The furniture is the same as last year, and we have Woopetz added. Of course, they're cupids! They're so cute. The winter theme is still there btw (by the way). They added a thing called FrameZ, it's a frame that when you click it takes you to your AlbumZ and you choose a picture. It's soo cool <3 Anyways, I've gotten a little lazy for this post, so that's it. And btw (by the way) there are no more Spellz on Woopetz c; Stay tuned and don't forget to click the ads (advertisments) because it helps me a lot! Thanks c;

-Kristina ♥

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