Sunday 8 February 2015

Yay it's almost me birthday \(^o^)/

Hey there NewsLings! My b-day is in 4 days (Feb.11) ;D yay sorry I haven't been posting I have been busy. I have bad news D: I will be quitting on Feb.13 after my birthday pretty much. I'll miss you all though! *_* I got a pic with Jay! (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY) I got one with Jenny from Domo once too. But Jay is my favorite woozband so XD The new symbz the 2 rings look like Lord Of The Rings but thats only 1 ring who cares XD If you guys are bored you should watch NigaHiga Ryan's youtube channel is HigaTV I watched him since I was 6 I'm obsessed with him hes so funny and his friends are funny too XD I don't know what to post about so thats what I have to say.

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

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