Thursday 2 April 2015

WooPetz 2.0

Hey Newslings! We have tons of news today (3-4 new news) but, most are for WooPetz so .-. 

1st things 1st FASHION! All new VIP ZeChic stuff (nothing that special) and if you purchase VIP you get an exclusive new outfit LIMITED!


Introducing WooPetz 2.0!

"Pets are adorable creatures that play, cuddle, keep us company, and, occasionally, do awesome or silly things that we hope to catch on camera. Of course, pets are also very dependent on us! They require a lot of work – training, feeding, cleaning, exercising, etc.
WooPetz2_windowNew WooPetz are adorable creatures that speak, explore your Unitz, and pull some crazy stunts that you can catch for your FrameZ. These new Petz are more independent and express their individual Pets are adorable creatures that play, cuddle, keep us company, and, occasionally, do awesome or silly things that we hope to catch on camera. Of course, pets are also very dependent on us! They require a lot of work – training, feeding, cleaning, exercising, etc.
WooPetz2_tooltipNew WooPetz are adorable creatures that speak, explore your Unitz, and pull some crazy stunts that you can catch for your FrameZ. These new Petz are more independent and express their individual personalities through their behavior and speech.
The best part? You no longer need to clean or feed them! These resourceful new Petz take care of themselves.
Your world, your way, your WooPet!
personalities through their behavior and speech.
The best part? You no longer need to clean or feed them! These resourceful new Petz take care of themselves.
Your world, your way, your WooPet!"


What’s that Rumbling? An Earthquake? A Thunderstorm? No, it’s…

"…a whole flock of elephants!
As you may have herd, we’ve updated WooPetz to make them more independent, fun and full of personality. These clever elephants can talk, explore, moonwalk, and tell jokes (thought we can’t promise that they’re always funny), depending on their individual preferences. Plus, they’re so resourceful you don’t need to feed or clean them!
Eight rambunctious new elephants will make their way into Shopz, with a few colors reserved for VIP only:elephant_HT_EN
- wise old Wisdom (they say an elephant never forgets!)
- happy-go-lucky Felix
- mopey Eeyoren
Lazarian, the perfect lounge buddy
- cranky (but loveable) Grumps
- sweet Shya
Hyperion, always ready for an adventure
- and of course, wacky Punderful always spouting off silly jokes
Divalicious golden elephant Elly Perry, the only baby elephant known to fly and sing, will make her debut in the Woozworld Store. Also in Store, you can find accesories and designs to customize your spunky new Petz."

Big mistake Woozworld, misspelled the word "heard". .-. Anyways, that's about it! The new elephant WooPetZ sound interesting tho. Stay tuned c; And don't forget to click the ads!

-Kristina ♥

P.S. Check out the Store

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