Tuesday 17 March 2015

Meet JaneNewbie!

Hey Newslings! We have more news today and 1 question. Because we have to remodel the blog into a spring version, should I keep this font? x) It looks so pretty! Tell me in the shoutout box. Anyways, moving on, as you can see the title. Here's the thing:

We have a new friend in Woozworld,JaneNewbie! She hasn't had too much experience with online life, so be sure to welcome her on her Wallz, and look out for opportunities to help her find her way around and learn about online safety coming soon!

      Meet JaneNewbie!

"Do you remember when you first joined Woozworld? Whether it was four years or four days ago, we bet you recall the feeling of excitement mixed with a bit of 
confusion about this new virtual place to hang out. That’s exactly what JaneNewbie is experiencing right now!
As we all know, the Internet can be a strange place. Jane is a smart and sympathetic girl, but she doesn’t have a lot of experience with online life. Will you help guide her through Woozworld?
janeOver the next two weeks, we will be releasing quizzes for you to help your new friend Jane learn about five different topics:
password protection: creating a safe account
scams and fraud: what they are and how to keep your account safe
cyberbullying: what it is and how to avoid it
personal information: what it is and how to keep it personal
reporting: how to deal with inappropriate behavior
Successfully completing each of these topics will earn you a trophy and SymbZ to display your expertise. Once you’ve guided Jane through all five topics to keep herself safe online, you’ll recieve and final achievement and SymbZ. In order to be considered for the WoozGuidez program in the future, we will be checking to see that you’ve completed earned this final Internet-safety certification. All current WoozGuidez will be required to complete this achievement in order to remain as active Guidez.
You can welcome Jane to Woozworld on her WoozIN Wallz, and get ready to introduce her to virtual life!"

That's all for today! x) Thanks for reading and stay tuned c; Don't forget to click the ads, it helps me a lot!

-Kristina ♥

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