Wednesday 25 March 2015

Reporting Quiz OUT NOW!

Hey guys! Well guess what the new Reporting quiz is out! I have no idea what it is or the quest because I didn't even bother to wait in queue 100 so. I just realize that the Shout Box has updated too ;-D Zayn left 1D hah. There is also a rumor Lost006 has been fired? Lol I'm talking about guides and the Woozguides center is full. But I guess Lost hasn't been fired he still has his shirt and blue bubble but you can check at Woozguides center maybe thats why everyone is there. I actually think Lost is a good guide I don't think it would be the right choice to fire Lost from being a Woozguide .-. And also I got obsessed with Hollywood Undead if you have heard the night core version of 'Tear It Up' then thats who they are but I don't like the night core version I like the original version but all there songs are life omg. 

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

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