Monday 30 March 2015

I'm back!

That's right Newslings! I'm back! Dea did the 150 posts special without even noticing .-. I am literally so lost in Woozworld because I missed almost everything. So I'm guessing there's a new font? Right? Or I'm going crazy ._. Moving on, here's the news:

Wondering about the new WooPetz? Find out more about these chatty, independent, clean creatures in the blog!

Yup! There is a new WooPetZ in ShopZ and clothing for it in Store! 

Moving on (Sorry it's so short I'm tired):

MyaWooz shared a Photo
"Classy or messy, cute or casual, or somewhere in between? Whatever your style, live YOUR spring! xx"

New outfits! As you can see in the picture ;-D

Other news:

The SWEETEST Woozworld is coming to Android but can you predict when? Read theblog and then head to the Woozworld Plazato make your guess!

The Sweetest Woozworld!

"Woozworld is about to get a little bit sweeter as we’re preparing to launch on Android(TM)! We will be joining the delicious Android family sooner than you think.
android_HT_ENSoon, you will be able to play Woozworld whenever and where ever you want. At school, an I-Didn’t-Want-To-Go hockey game or a Can’t-I-Stay-Home dance recital, you can always connect with your Woozworld account.
We will give you more details in the next few weeks but until then we have a challenge for you. Can you predict the launch of Woozworld for Android?
You only have one guess so shake those Magic 8 balls and boot up those psychic powers! Once you have a date in mind, head to the Woozworld Plaz and click the GREEN Podz. Submit the date you and then wait!
Everyone who enters the correct date will get a special achievement and exclusive item to show off.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc."

I am so excited for this one! I can't wait till we get Woozworld for Android. It's been so long of wanting this!

And the last news:

The Eggster collection has just arrived inShopz; you'll find everything you need to celebrate Easter! Get hopping before they're all gone! xx

That's all for today! Stay tuned c; And don't forget to click the ads, it helps me a lot!

-Kristina ♥

P.S. Check out the OptionZ menu and the new beex thing ;-D

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Reporting Quiz OUT NOW!

Hey guys! Well guess what the new Reporting quiz is out! I have no idea what it is or the quest because I didn't even bother to wait in queue 100 so. I just realize that the Shout Box has updated too ;-D Zayn left 1D hah. There is also a rumor Lost006 has been fired? Lol I'm talking about guides and the Woozguides center is full. But I guess Lost hasn't been fired he still has his shirt and blue bubble but you can check at Woozguides center maybe thats why everyone is there. I actually think Lost is a good guide I don't think it would be the right choice to fire Lost from being a Woozguide .-. And also I got obsessed with Hollywood Undead if you have heard the night core version of 'Tear It Up' then thats who they are but I don't like the night core version I like the original version but all there songs are life omg. 

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Updates ;-D

Hey guys! Well as you see there has been a great new spring update! I really like it I also like the sparkles on the mouse ^_^ And I guess Leavv quit D: The new quiz has come out personal info quiz! And also there is a new spring outfit contest. Good luck to everyone! :D I really can't wait to see peoples great designs! I have been obsessing with way too many songs now xD I guess I have nothing else to say. Sorry this post is very short I don't have that much to write about and I'm rushing lol.

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

Quitting ;-;

Hey Peeps ;-;
I'm quitting the blog ;-;
I have a lot going on irl and on Woozworld it's too much pressure for me to be on the blog ;-;
Really sorry ;-;


Attention Designers!

Hey Newslings! I won't post for 5 days (from 25.03.2015. till 30.03.2015.) because I'm going on a choir festival ♥ Wish us luck to win! Anyways, here's the news:

Attention all you fab Woozworld designers and fashionistas: We want to produce your work! Submit your best spring-inspired fashion before April 7th, and you could see your outfits in the Woozworld Store on April 30th. Check out the blog for contest details. Stay stylish! xx

We Want Your Designs for Spring 2015!

"After a long winter, we’re finally shedding our coats to reveal… last fall’s outfits?! Well, this simply won’t do!
Show us your freshest, coolest, newest spring design and you may win the the opportunity to see your clothes produced in Woozworld!
Is your mind overflowing with fashion already? Check out the contest guidelines below!

Woozworld design template
- Print this (required) template and draw on it OR use an image editing program on your computer
- Create your dreamiest spring-inspired design for girls, boys, or both
- Feel free to give your outfit a creative name, like Mya does with her Store collections each week
Sign your design with your Woozen name
- Respect the Woozworld Code of Conduct
- Submit your design in the WNTM Runway Unitz using the green Podz BEFORE the submission period ends on Tuesday, April 7th
- Submit someone else’s work. The design must be your own, signed creation.
- Submit any inappropriate or offensive designs
Our four favorite outfits will go on sale Thursday, April 30th in the Woozworld Store.
Good luck!"

Good luck to all who will enter! (I might enter too) I will be editing the blog (remodeling) to a spring theme, so I'll edit the blog picture a bit late. Hope you like it! Stay tuned c; and please click the ads c:

-Kristina ♥

Sunday 22 March 2015

Stay Safe!

Hey Newslings! We have news today on how to stay safe. But, before that, my friend Mike (Mikecool-) made a game on a server. If you want to join (Please do, I'm the most important mod there so I'll help you out) click this link: Anyways, moving on, here's the news:

        Stay Safe Online!

"You’ve been working hard to help JaneNewbie navigate Woozworld and virtual life in general. If you ever have doubts, you can check here for tips!
- Bullying is the use of verbal, physical, social or behavioral abuse to make someone feel inferior.
- Name-calling, threatening, insulting, spreading rumors, making threats, and ‘ganging up’ on someone are all forms of bullying.
- Bullies often focus on one aspect of someone that makes them ‘different’, such as their race/ethnicity, sexuality or gender identify, religion or beliefs, appearance, or abilities. We need to remember that all people are unique. Making fun of anyone on the basis of these traits is considering bullying and, in many cases, hate speech.
Teasing your friends or ‘trolling’ is not necessarily bullying, but it can become bullying. ‘Trolls’ annoy to get a reaction, friends tease for fun, but bullies cause a someone to feel inferior. While no one likes a troll, it’s better to ignore them and go on about your day.
password_safety_logo_01PASSWORD PROTECTION
- When setting up a password, make sure it isn’t easy to guess. Use CaPiTaLiZaTiOn and num3rical or spec!al characters to make your password extra-secure.
- Using a valid email address for your Woozworld account will make resetting your password much simpler should you ever need to do so.
No Woozworld moderator or Woozband member will ever ask for your password, and neither will a real friend. NEVER give out your password!
Collectiblezscam_fraud_safety_logo_01SCAMS & FRAUD
- If somone has scammed you in trade, please report them via the report tool. The moderation team cannot return lost items or currency, but they can suspend that user for fraudulent behavior.
- Websites that promise free Wooz, Beex, Preztige, clothing or anything else in Woozworld are fraudulent. They cannot give you Woozworld items, and usually they are trying to steal your password.
Never EVER give out your password or other account information!
- As long as you don’t give out your account information, no one can steal your info or “hack” your account. You should report anyone that claims to “hack” for fraudulent behavior.
- Woozworld does not allow the selling, trading, or buying of accounts. Your account could be banned for any of these actions.
personal_safety_logo_01 (1)PERSONAL INFO
- Any information about you, your whereabouts, and your appearance are YOUR personal information and should not be shared. This includes your full name, your school’s name, your phone number, and your social media profiles.
Do not post any photos videos showing yourself in real life online.
Do not agree to video chat or call someone that you met online.
- If someone repeatedly asks you for your personal information and makes you feel uncomfortable, please report them so that the moderation team can investigate.
safetyreporting_safety_logo (1)REPORTING
- If you see behavior that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, report it! Use the report tool so that our moderation team can investigate the situation.
- If you block a Woozen, they will not be able to post on your Wallz or send you private chat (PC).
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, as long as their language and behavior remains appropropriate (i.e., no vulgar language or rudeness towards anyone that disagrees). Don’t report someone for disagreeing with you.
- Moderators review all reports, so if you haven’t behaved inappropriately, you won’t be punished. Additionally, submitting false reports can lead to a suspension of your own account.
- If you’ve lost access to your account, you can 
contact Customer Service here.
Have fun and play safe!"

That's all for today! Please click the ads T_T It helps me a lot! Stay tuned c;

-Kristina ♥

Friday 20 March 2015

1Swaggerchick00 EXPOSED

Hey there guys you might see by the title Swagger got exposed there is a video but I wont be posting it because it is REALLY disturbing. Good thing it got blocked off Woozworld but now everyone has been talking about it xD I want to see Swaggers reaction once she gets on. I don't really like her but what ever. A new quiz on safety has come out! Password Protection and also the quest was kind of hard but I did it all. The quest was collecting 5 computers in Woozworld (Not in other peoples unitz only Woozworld unitz) I'm guessing you get a check mark symbz after doing all the quizzes and guests. But there pretty easy. Also you get a trophy after every quest you complete! Also you get a new title xD I want that checkmark symbz though .-.

-Woozworld news Gamer c;

Thursday 19 March 2015

Happy Late St.Patricks Day!.

Well happy late St.Patricks Day! How are you all doing?? I'm on Spring Break (YAY!) I saw the movie Cinderella no spoiler alert but so many people die in it .-. Also I got to see Frozen Fever! Both were great! ;-D I have gone to so many places for Spring Break but sadly school starts on Monday :''''( But I kind of miss school because I'm a weirdo. You guys should try the Cyber Bullying Quiz! I actually think it was fun to do the quest and both the quiz so I can't wait for more quizzes and quests for it :D! But there is a big queue when there is new quizzes like for the Patricks Quiz the queue broke and when it got fixed there was still lots of people so I just did it late and also the quest to find Patty was so hard. Also I well be posting way more then I usually do (I usually post like in years JK LOL) And I might think of a contest for you guys to participate in! Cool right? Well I guess that's it for today. Stay tuned everyone!

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Meet JaneNewbie!

Hey Newslings! We have more news today and 1 question. Because we have to remodel the blog into a spring version, should I keep this font? x) It looks so pretty! Tell me in the shoutout box. Anyways, moving on, as you can see the title. Here's the thing:

We have a new friend in Woozworld,JaneNewbie! She hasn't had too much experience with online life, so be sure to welcome her on her Wallz, and look out for opportunities to help her find her way around and learn about online safety coming soon!

      Meet JaneNewbie!

"Do you remember when you first joined Woozworld? Whether it was four years or four days ago, we bet you recall the feeling of excitement mixed with a bit of 
confusion about this new virtual place to hang out. That’s exactly what JaneNewbie is experiencing right now!
As we all know, the Internet can be a strange place. Jane is a smart and sympathetic girl, but she doesn’t have a lot of experience with online life. Will you help guide her through Woozworld?
janeOver the next two weeks, we will be releasing quizzes for you to help your new friend Jane learn about five different topics:
password protection: creating a safe account
scams and fraud: what they are and how to keep your account safe
cyberbullying: what it is and how to avoid it
personal information: what it is and how to keep it personal
reporting: how to deal with inappropriate behavior
Successfully completing each of these topics will earn you a trophy and SymbZ to display your expertise. Once you’ve guided Jane through all five topics to keep herself safe online, you’ll recieve and final achievement and SymbZ. In order to be considered for the WoozGuidez program in the future, we will be checking to see that you’ve completed earned this final Internet-safety certification. All current WoozGuidez will be required to complete this achievement in order to remain as active Guidez.
You can welcome Jane to Woozworld on her WoozIN Wallz, and get ready to introduce her to virtual life!"

That's all for today! x) Thanks for reading and stay tuned c; Don't forget to click the ads, it helps me a lot!

-Kristina ♥

Sunday 15 March 2015

TFK Photoshoot Contest

Hey guys! ^u^
I haven't published in forever, because of school, I've been failing in math. :/ Anyway, today I am going out with my dad to a local park to take pictures for the TFK (Time For Kids) Photoshoot Contest. Here's the link to learn more about it- and the deadline is 3.23.15! (The contest is open for ages 8-13) (Im 13 cri)

Photo contest- Why is earth day so important to us?

Leavving ✩

Friday 13 March 2015


Hey Newslings! We have more news and the Store has more items to sell! Let's start from the first news:

Hey Woozens! Discover Woozworld's latest feature, LinkZ by visiting the Woozworld Blog! Connecting with friends has never been easier. We're excited to see how you will use your LinkZ! 

                        Stay Linked

"Have you wanted to connect your Unitz with a friends? Or create a maze using multiple Unitz without always landing on the Entry Pod? With LinkZ you won’t have this problem anymore!
4LinkZ combine the best aspects of Door Podz and Teleport Podz. Once you link two of these furniture items together, they remain linked both within and between Unitz. If you make a link and trade one to a friend, they will remain linked.
We’re excited to see how you use LinkZ!
Your Woozband"

Interesting! Now here's the Store:

You asked, we answered :"Woozens' Choice" outfits are back in Store, plus our favorite dress from real-life awards season! And, for all the March babies out there, your supercool aquarmarine birthstone is now available as a SymbZ


   Searching For the Pot of Gold

"As the Woozband were on a walk enjoying the warmer weather, they heard some commotion and weeping coming from the bushes.
“Me pot o’gold, lost me pot o’ gold…”
Jenny slowly approached the weeping bushes and whispered “Hello?” The bushes fell in completely silent. “Are you okay? Do you need any help?”
There was some shuffling in the bushes and ever so slowly, a leprechaun walked out with his head hanging, staring at his toes. Jay suddenly leaped at the leprechaun with a net (where did that come from?) yelling, “YEEEE! FINALLY! WHERE’S THE GOLD, LITTLE MAN?” The shocked Woozband stood still.
The leprechaun was trying to force his way out of the net.
“Jay, what are you doing?! Put the poor guy down!” Mya exclaimed.
“But… you know how leprechauns do! You capture one and get three wishes.”
Max looked at him in amazement. “Man… look at him, he’s clearly upset. Put him down!”
Jay looked around at the group who all had their arms crossed, glaring at him. “Man…” Jay sighed, putting down the leprechaun and unfastening the net.
The leprechaun was visibly shaking and Jenny crouched down to rub his back. “I’m sorry about that. Jay can get a little… ambitious. I can promise you, that won’t happen again.” Jenny scowled at Jay, whose arms were now crossed. “How can we help you?”
The leprechaun stopped shaking and what looked like steam came out of his ears.
Taken back, Jenny leaped up. “Mr. Leprechaun, sir, we are so, so sorry for what Jay did,” Jenny pleaded. “Can we make it up to you by helping you find your pot of gold? We promise it won’t happen again.”
The leprechaun stopped and looked appraisingly up at Jenny.
“The name’s Lucky O’Wooz.” The leprechaun stated and then turned to face Jay. “Aye… ya promise on shamrocks that ye big oaf will stop the shenanigans? It’s me pot o’gold!”
Jay looked around at the others who were glaring at him.
“Weak!” he whispered, shaking his head. Then, begrudgingly: “I promise on shamrocks I won’t bother you again.”
Lucky gave a mischievous smile. “What a gas!” he grinned. “I couldn’t tell ye where me pot o’ gold is… lost it during me travels.”
“It’s settled! We will help you find your gold by retracing your steps. Where do we start?”
Lucky pointed, and the six of them were off. Jay was eyeing Lucky along the way. Zack noticed and leaned in so only Jay could hear.
“I promise you… it’s not worth it.”"

As you can see those were the outfits in store! I want the Tyrule and the WNS one T-T. The struggles XD Anyways, that's all for today I guess. Stay tuned c; and please click the ads it helps me a lot!

-Kristina ♥

Sunday 8 March 2015

Blog info

Hey Newslings! We're (by we're I mean me XD) working on the blog and I'll edit it soon when it's officialy spring! Here it was snowing and it was horrible T-T We're adding more ads because of some reasons... Please click them because it helps me a lot! We're trying to get more pageviews and more Newslings who read this blog daily! And also we maybe bring the show back, it'll be a monthly show maybe because we have a lot of stuff to do. Thank you for reading this and stay tuned! Love you all xx

-Kristina ♥

Monday 2 March 2015

New WoozGuides!

Hey Newslings! Sorry for not posting in a long time but I've been SUPER busy. Here's the news:

Domo design contest winners are here! Congrats to DarkblackgoldLaura-Lyn,MeepDaSheepminecraftsydiasparkle-heart, and Xyo12. We'd like to thank everyone that submitted a design - we love to see your creativity at work!

I'm so glad to be back in Woozworld :3 And if you ever have any issues in Woozworld, we have a bunch of new WoozGuidez that you can turn to for help: Agentblue10,catvalentine11CosmicThunderCupcake37,loveandy, and TobanJ!

Congratulations for getting the title WoozGuide and for winning the Domo Design Contest! :) (WoozGuides) I hope you will do great in your job! Well, I guess that's all for today. Stay tuned for more c; And don't forget to click the ads!

-Kristina ♥

P.S. I'll remodel the blog soon into a spring theme c;