Saturday 29 November 2014

Too much news for today .-.

Newslings! We have like 3 news today or 4 '-'. Yes, it's too much for one post but still let's start:

           Design a Domo, Win a Domo!

"Calling all design enthusiasts! Domo is in Woozworld, and he wants to see YOUR creativity!
Got a great idea for a new Domo design? Disco Domo? Pizza Domo? Hockey Domo? Panda Domo? Let your imagination run free!
For the next two weeks, we’ll be accepting your submissions for an awesome new Domo. There are some important guidelines for the contest outlined below.
Use this Domo template (required)
- Print the template and draw on it OR use an image editing program on your computer
- Create your dream Domo, keeping his mouth colored red and his teeth white
- Sign your design with your Woozen name
- Keep Domo’s mouth red and teeth white
- Respect the Woozworld Code of Conduct
- Submit your design in the Domo Forest Unitz using the Yellow Podz
- Submit someone else’s work. It must be your own, signed creation.
- Submit any inappropriate or offensive designs
- Use colors other than those listed above for Domo’s mouth or teeth
We’ll choose our six favorite designs, and their creators will receive a real-life plushie from Domo!
Good luck!
Your Domo-loving Woozband"

Second news:

MaxWooz shared a SantaWooz's VillageUnitz .
"All 4 Interim Santas have been introduced and surprisingly, only one doesn't have a snowy Woozmas! Go to Santa's Village and click on a chest to support your perfect Santa! After, you will then be able to collect Woozmas Baubles which will earn a point for the Santa you choose. Results will be updated twice on Sat and twice on Sun! The Santa will be announced on Monday Dec 1!"

Thrid news:

Woozens, allow me to introduce Woozworld's Top Diva, Clauzé! This year, she's willing to let everyone in on her famously over-the-top Woozmas Gala. Read Clauzé's campaign interview here!

          Interim Santa: Clauzé

"Clauzé puts the I in DIVA, the ME in MERRY and the NO in SNOW. Residing on the border of Lib Street and Colony V in a little place called WoozMount, Clauzé always has the biggest, richest, most extravagant Woozmas parties. Of course, all this glamour comes with a price – divas are notoriously difficult to please. Last year, an unfortunate Woozen wore purple to Clauzé’s Woozmas Diamond Gala, clashing with the ruby, emerald, diamond and gold tones. Clauzé cancelled Woozmas right there and then. Diva rules.

What is your idea of a perfect Woozmas?
Woozmas – well, I prefer to call it “Clauzémas” – should be a winter wonderland, period. Mm mm mm! Snowflakes made of diamonds, a 24-karat-gold tree with sapphire and ruby baubles, and of course, I always give a little performance wearing this gorgeous vintage coat made of authentic Yeti fur. Everyone knows that my parties are simply the best. Clauzémas always costs millions of Wooz, because honey, we’re worth it. If something’s not good enough for me and my superstar guests, I just say NO.
How do you deliver presents?
Simply put, magic. Mm mm mm! I snap my fingers and the presents appear exactly where they should be. Honestly darling, it’s the easiest part of planning my party.
Why should Woozens choose you?
You and I both know that Woozens want the best. I am the best and I offer the best. The gala I throw is so big, some years it’s turned into a New Years’ party! Of course, I expect Woozens to live up to my expectations. If you can’t handle it, you shouldn’t attend. As I always say, Go big or go home. Mm mm MM, Merry Woozmas!"

Forth news:

This weekend only, you can get Wooz packs for up to 35% off and two WNTM outfits for the price of one, son! Now we can all be thankful that our lives are so full of family, friends, style & swag.

Fifth news:

You've battled the hairdresses and paparazzi, posted the selfies, and worked the runway like champions. On Saturday at 2 PM WT, join me at the WNTM Finale Fashion Show, featuring supermodels, sneak peeks, and goodie bags. Get your ticket now and I'll see you on the runway xx

       WNTM Fashion Event of the Year

"The most exclusive event of the year is almost here. Woozens, this is the big one. The show of the century. The catwalk we’ve all been waiting for.
MyaWooz presents: Woozworld Fashion Finale.
November 29th at 2PM WT!
Come dressed in your best to mingle with the fierce and fashionable and get a sneak peek at upcoming styles designed by Mya herself. The top 5WNTM models will be invited to showcase the outfit that best represents them. Mya will also give an inside look on how outfits from Woozworld come to be and what’s coming in the next few weeks.
Just a like a real fashion show, all attendees (even those in queue) will receive a limited-edition goodie bag containing:
-250 Wooz
-A free Store outfit from November (girls will get a girl outfit and boys will get a boy outfit)
-An exclusive achievement title
-An upcoming December Store hairstyle
You MUST attend the event to receive your Goodie Bag, having the ticket isn’t enough. The Goodie Bag items will be delivered to your inventory on Monday Dec 1.
Tickets for this ultra-posh event go on sale TODAY for $1.99. And remember, there are only a few days left until Woozworld Fashion Night, so you better start planning your outfit and get ready to SLAY.
See you on the runway!
I can't belive that I can't purchase the entry for the latest eventz or even the wooz hair -crie- I want the hair so badly I will regret this all. That's all. Stay tuned :-:

-Kristina ♥

Friday 28 November 2014

Im feeling so cozy >.<

Rofl hey Newslings!

We actually reached 100 posts o-0 I'm watching Elf while drinking hot chocolate >.< Everyone loves Christmas..BUT if you don't celebrate it i'm also looking forward to New Years! (WOW 2015!) and don't forget my birthday c; (Feb.11 Yes I know its TOO early) What is better New Years or Christmas? I say both because on Christmas you can get so cozy with hot chocolate and Christmas movies and songs! And New Years I say is the craziest holiday! We get to stay up and count down oh and it's going to turn into 2015! I just can believe days have gone by so fast. I'm not suppose to celebrate Christmas but I am suppose to my mom is christian and my dad is muslim (They don't fight because Albanian muslims and christians some how get along) Here in Toronto its -2! And theres actually no snow but its too early so. Was Black Friday good? (Forever 21 for life ;D) Ok you know whats REALLY cute those little kittens on the new Black Friday WW deals..Oh and I forgot who are you supporting? Im supporting Logan which is also the winning team right now too! Caluse doesn't seem like she would be the right one..And also Santax1 and Kris Klauz look evil for some reason o-0

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Kris Klauz!?

Newslings! New people are appearing! Listen:

Woozens, meet Lib Street tycoon Kris Klauz! He and his company are bidding to bring you an updated Woozmas that respects tradition while maximizing your enjoyment. Read Mr. Klauz's interview here!

                Interim Santa: Kris Klauz

"Despite his humble beginnings, Kris Klauz now is one of the biggest entrepreneurs of all Wooztime, a corporate tycoon who has revamped the idea of Woozmas. Starting out in Lib Street, Kris didn’t have much help during his leveling up, which helped form his money-saving mind. Traditional Woozmas items like trees, decor and glass baubles are extremely costly. Mr. Klauz believes plastics are more cost-effective and durable… so how does he keep his customers buying each year? New trees create the latest Woozmas styles! The current craze, the eTree 6+, is next to impossible to find – and stay away from those Galatree S5… they’re a mess to set up.

What is your idea of a perfect Woozmas?kris
Mo’ mo’ mo! I am all for a traditional Woozmas. Friends and family gathered around an eTree6+ with all their presents underneath it… brings a real tear to my eye. That lovely Woozmas-themed TV dinner, microwaveable Woozmas spirit for the whole family. Sipping on some hot “Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Cocoa.” Ahh, the Woozmas life.
How do you deliver presents?
Well of course I’m far too busy to do that myself, so I “hire” unpaid interns. Their volunteer work keeps prices low on the Woozmas items everyone knows and loves. The interns each have an eSleighAir 2 that glides silently through the night. Reindeer are 100,000W a pop which is outrageous, mo’ mo’ mo’! Once at your house, they activate an eRing (watches are too costly) on their thumb that opens the door and they get the presents exactly where they need to go!
Why should Woozens choose you?
I represent a traditional Woozmas. No one wants to be on a beach with all that sand or one where the Woozmas spirit is robotic. Most importantly, you save money while getting a good return – maximum Woozmas joy for your money. I don’t waste time on bling or jewelry! Mo’ mo’ mo!"

Ok, that's all. I gotta run to my English class now! (private) Stay tuned!!

-Kristina ♥


Hey Newslings! We really have some important news this week! The SantaX1 thing is really creepy (His voice in the video). Oh and btw (by the way) Gamer did the 100 post special? .-. Not important now.. So here's what LilyWooz said:
P.S Logan is a girl o-0

Like, oh my god! Logan has taken a break from her busy schedule of surfing and partying to campaign for your vote! Read all about this fun-loving beach bunny's plans here.

                 Interim Santa: Logan
"Have you ever wanted a Woozmas in the sun instead of the snow? Logan, a renowned Mystic Alley beach bunny, has spent every Woozmas on the beach and would have it no other way. This surfer chick loves to have fun, but she has a spiritual side, too. Woozmas doesn’t need to be all about material goods as long as you have heat and waves. Growing up, Logan knew how fortunate she was; how she wants to share her experience with Woozens in the cold.

What is your idea of a perfect Woozmas?
OMG, I’d totally spend a gorgeous day surfing, hanging out with my closest friends and family, and then gathering around the Woozmas palm tree for an awesome beach bonfire as the sun sets. I always cook up a gnarly fruitarian feast, and sometimes we give presents – or we just share good vibes. It like totally rocks!
How do you deliver presents?
By water, duh! As a surf expert, I’m totally psyched to cruise the globe delivering gifts, just me and my trusty longboard. From the Amazonian jungles to the canals of Venice, I can handle anything! Of course, surfing isn’t the fastest way to get around, but you know people should, like, take a chill pill if their presents are a couple days late. We’re all here to chill and be together, ya know?
Why should Woozens choose you?
Like, I can promise Woozens the warmest, most relaxed Woozmas of their lives! People get too stressed out by Woozmas these days, trying to match the right colors of some like party or whatever, having the latest gadgets, or saving Wooz, when all you need is some righteous Woozmas spirit. I’m just stoked to offer Woozens a really totally awesome holiday. Like, oh, em, gee, Merry Woozmas!"

I have no words to this. It is a good idea tho XD I don't really have anything to say, my brain for this is like "Nope, just copy paste .-." Literally. That's all! Stay tuned.

-Kristina ♥

P.S. Click the adz c; -Love Tina (Kristina ♥) XD


Hey guys (I know I haven't posted in years XD) I got 999 messages from -SuLtaN-HD Please report hes been a member for one year he can't have all those clothes .-. He tried to virtually 'neek' me o-0 Oh and you can't even say zhackers?? =-=

Ok my little cousin sent a letter to Santa but check what it is about XDD 

Hey Santa! I have questions and I wanna give you a list of what I want Question #1 : Did Rudolph go to the circus? Question #2 :Who's your favorite character from Rudolph (Did you know its the 50th anniversery?) Mines Hermy hes so cute! Ok I would like Hermy for Christmas but I also want a Zoomer Puppy..Bye thanks!

Ok I don't think Santa will answer so ROFL 

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

Tuesday 25 November 2014

WoozGuide @melodyartistic

Yes as you can read the titl, Newslings, today's theme is @Melodyartistic. I was looking at wwsocial-owner wallz (because he faked death, bla bla bla) and saw some videos. 2 Exacly. With @Melodyartistic in them. First one was a movie. @Melodyartistic was acting as some "princess" (or that was her name idk?) And the second one was like Woozworld comedy (Blind date). First things first SHE DOESN'T DO HER JOB! Her "Job" as she would say. Our Woozguides are horrible exept @Lost006, @Policeofficersam and @Strawbee. -.- Melody only cares when she's with Lost or does Lost love her and bla bla bla. All nonsense! She doesn't deserve the title "WoozGuide" anymore. She doesn't do anything and she supports the woozens who curse and all. She only reports the "good woozens" or the ones who "insult" her =-= Really!??! And she calls her self "WoozGuide".  What a shame. Well I wish this post was longer but I gtg (sleep, tomorrow I need to get up at 7:00 AM for school and it's 11:52 AM now..) That's all! Stay tuned, Newslings XD

-Kristina ♥

Monday 24 November 2014


Soo, Newslings... Another post from me (Leavving and Gamer are so lazy I guess). So here it is.. I'll explain everything later. .-. :

Traveling back from 3015, Santax1 is here to show you some futuristic fun! Read this robot's interview explaining his campaign to be your chosen Santa here.

"Created from salvaged parts in Corotza and Colony V in the year 3015, this impressive artificial intelligence brings a futuristic spin to Woozmas. SantaX1 was originally built to destroy unwanted furniture items, but the robot soon learned that there are less fortunate Woozens that might be able to put such items to good use. While SantaX1 was learning the emotion “love,” the emotion “anger” was also growing. Growing weary of Woozens complaining about their recycled gifts, SantaX1 has become very strict on the definitions of “naughty” and “nice.”
What is your idea of a perfect Woozmas?
Technology. It is proven that artificial intelligence can compute and execute actions 1 tribillion times faster than a Woozen. H0 H0 H0, that is what you Woozens call a “joke.” But really, in 3015 technology governs every aspect of Woozmas. The tree is a hologram that cannot be destroyed by Babiz. The plasma fireplaces give off heat and scent but cannot burn down your Unitz. At dinner, a food condenser turns your Woozmas meal into pill tablets – don’t worry, you can still taste everything. It’s what you Woozens call, magical. That is a perfect Woozmas.
How do you deliver presents?
Teleportation. I move 50x faster than the speed of Woozen sound. H0 H0 H0. I am faster than Rudolf and those other reindeer. I beat them at their reindeer games too.
Why should Woozens choose you?
The future is now. It cannot be prevented. I bring you a form of Woozwas that your Woozen brains can process. Woozmas should not be about expensive or cheaply-made products that break the first time you use them. Woozmas should be about caring and being thankful with your family, not partying irresponsibly on a beach. H0 H0 H0."

The video is very creepy doe .-. Now a new Santa is "created" I guess from the future and of course LILY WOOZ FIGURED IT OUT =-= That's all the news and also I celebrated a thing called "Slava". It's a Serbian thing also Montenegro and Macedonia celebrates it. (If you don't know what it is click here) And thank you for reading? .-. I never say this don't I? It's such a weird day for me now I'm posting this at 12:03AM. That's all, stay tuned Newslings! 
-Kristina ♥

Important News

This isn't from woozworld but this is for security of all of your android phones:

99% of Android users are susceptible to the new BroadAnywhere vulnerability!
A newly discovered vulnerability called BroadAnywhere could severely impact almost every Android user.
The recently launched Android 5.0 Lollipop has fixed a serious issue (Bug: 17356824), however, every version below 5.0 is still at risk. Currently, the number of people exposed could be as high as 99% of all Android users. This issue, currently being referred to as "BroadAnywhere", is able to forge messages from any sender, crash or restart your device, or even completely wipe all data stored on the phone!
The crux of this flaw is that Android’s Settings app can transfer a parameter called PendingIntent to all third party apps, and these apps are then able to modify the contents of PendingIntent and then send it back to the system. Simply put, malicious apps can freely modify some settings of the device. This allows the malicious apps to do a lot of dangerous things.
How exactly might this issue affect you?
1. Devices could stop working
BroadAnywhere can cause the entire system to stop responding, turning your device into a paperweight for a while. Functions will gradually cease to perform, and eventually the device will crash.
2. SMS content and its sender can be forged
Attackers can send messages to your device that appear to be from whoever they choose. For example, they could send a message that appears to be from your cousin, asking you to urgently deposit some money into a bank account…
3. All your data could be wiped
With BroadAnywhere, malicious apps are able to send a “” broadcast, which essentially means that the device will undergo a factory reset and will act the same as if you’d just bought it and taken it out of the box for the first time. All of your apps, photos, videos, contacts, messages and everything else will be gone.
Check out this POC Demo for the Android Broadanywhere Vulnerability for more details
To protect against this vulnerability, please use Clean Master and CM Security, and ensure that they are fully updated. We have ensured that we are able to block malicious apps that try to use this vulnerability, and will continue monitoring this situation closely to ensure that our users are kept completely safe.

Stay safe Woozens and Android users!

-Kristina ♥

Sunday 23 November 2014

Summer WoozMas?

SantaWooz sent us a letter... from Hawaii?? This Woozmas sounds like it's going to be a bit different than usual!

This is very strange... Let's see the letter:

                            "Your Idea of Woozmas"

"It was a regular November day until we received this letter from our very own SantaWooz!
Aloha Woozens,
Ho ho ho! I send you my dear wishes from this lovely beach resort that I’ve retreated to for a long overdue vacation. My elves have been telling me that I need to spend some quality time with Mrs. Claus for once! As you know, the past few Woozmases have been a tad stressful with that naughty KountVonKlokz trying to steal the season’s joy, but luckily with your support and Woozmas spirit, he’s good ol’ ZackWooz once again! So I’ve decided it’s time for me to take a little break. I hear you asking, “Who will make the list and check it twice? Who will know who’s naughty or nice?” Ho ho ho!
This year I’ve asked four friends to step in and help out. These would-be Santas come from different places and times in Woozworld, so they all have a different idea of Woozmas. Once you’ve met all four, it’s up to you to decide which one to support! I’m calling it “Electmas” (see what I did there? Ho ho ho!).
Over the next few days, the four candidates will be introducing themselves so you can see if their idea of Woozmas matches yours!
In the meantime, enjoy this selfie I took with Rudolf! His nose is still red – from sunburn! Ho ho ho!

Merry Woozmas and Happy New Year!
We’re definitely going to miss SantaWooz this year but we’re also really excited to meet his friends!"

Well, um, this is strange... And nice Selfie Santa XD #SelfieSanta Our Santa is in style and Rudolf, too. Oh, and also click the ads on the blog, please! It would help me a lot. I can't wait to see Santa tho XD It's exiting, I admit. So, when's Christmas for you? For me it's the 7th of January XD See you on the Santa eventz! (If there will be one) And of course, stay tuned!

-Kristina ♥

Saturday 22 November 2014


Today's PopWooz is the best! BabieZ designs XD It's really awesome! Here's the picture! I'm next to Jenny (So happy) xD

I'm so happy for the PopWooz it's really awesome xD. And Jenny's fabulous outfit tho. This was at Goldy's unitz (XxGoldayymakerxX) Jenny really liked it and she even added Goldy. She always says Hi to the famous woozens even when TJ entered she noticed right away! =-= So dissapointing she needs to take like 5 minutes to say hi to me! How hard I try I'll never accomplish this :-: She didn't even give me a hug! From now on I won't even try. Even tho it hurts me =-= This 1 year on WoozWorld I tried and I can't even accomplish it. Well that's all for today I guess. Stay tuned!

-Kristina ♥

P.S I purchased SHINee bracelets Five pieces 


I'm sure that everyone saw the new update... IT'S HORRIBLE! Come on this Sulake woman (I hate Sulake because they closed my favourite game HabPlus) is making soo many changes and making the prices higher. There is literally almost no way to get beex anymore! Oh and Goldy's and Jello's wedding is today! At 4 PM WoozTime! See ya there xD!

-Kristina ♥

Oh, and P.S download Dream House Days on your phone or tablet! It's so addicting xD I reached 2 million funds there!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Edits again

Hey guys Im just posing my new edits, 21 and No one cares. Click the links below to watch the vids!
No one cares:
Here are my edits!

I think this one is my fav xD 

Tuesday 18 November 2014


Yay! They activated ads!!! Thank you Google :)! Everyone click the ads now XD To celebrate!! XDD That's all, we have no new news unfortunally, exept me getting a new MOBILE PHONE!! Yes, that's right! It's mark is: Samsung Galaxy S3 NEO! That's all! Stay tuned!

-Kristina ♥

Monday 17 November 2014

Quick Post

So I might post a youtube video on Vine Compilations, like "21", "No one cares", and "Yaaaaa" and stuff like that. I just edited a picture and here it is! I love it xDDD
 "Sittin on Tha Toilet"


Saturday 15 November 2014


OMG! So this morning I was in Woozen Quests when I suddenly got 999 messages! So did Gamer! And a man named: misterhandsome Threatened to hack us. I changed my password in case. Please report and block him! We are really scared right now. If the 999 messages hand't popped up I wouldn't believe he would hack me. But now I'm freaked out!

Wish us luck,



Ok GUYS!!!! Me and Leavv are being threat by a hacker want to know more? Username : Misterhandsome..What is he doing : Breaking my message and saying dare to leave..Now what : Me and Leavv are on the Shout Box come chat with us please..I'm so scared..And mean while I got a message from Nash Grier saying : Know who I am? Leavv also got a message from the hacker and Nash..PLEASE REPORT : Misterhandsome..For threats and hacking..

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

Friday 14 November 2014

Ok now.

This is a post for the Google Adsense 'Web Crawlers' Ok, so:


This is a blog about the famous game named 'Woozworld'. If you haven't heard of it it's a virtual game where people chat and everything. (Normal Virtual Game) And this blog is about it! As you can SEE! This is the NEWS of it! The NEWS of Woozworld. The members of this site are: Leavving, Gamer (Dea) and Me (Kristina). We post daily, Google. Can't your 'Crawlers' see what's this blog about? Well, you let Ads on WoozWorld Burst. See that it has WOOZWORLD. Well then this is the biggest EXPLINATION I have for you.So, Google, I hope you notice this. Of course -.-'

-Kristina ♥


Guess what Newslings!! Today we are talking about:

                         Woozworld Fame!!!!

The interesting thing here is that "Virtual Fame" doesn't EXIST. Well, to some people it does XD. For example the ones who HAVE IT.  In Woozworld now I feel so loved o-0 I have like 130 friend requests (New record) XD And these people added me:

1. XxGoldayymakerxX (My bae (Best friend) XD)
2. ItsSupermantt (feeling so awkward that he did add me o-0)
3. Sunset916
4. MouseCara (Mousey the other bae XD)
5. Milica108 (Another Bae) 
6. lily462 (Bursts blogger XD) She also loves PewDiePie and a K-Pop fan too (Just like me)

7. Ems37 (She's so fabulous XD)

And even MaxWooz added me because I won at 'Scape The Zombie'

(I'm so friendly don't ask why is everyone my bae XD)

Well, .-. I forgot the rest. XD Anyways, I kinda feel loved and all.♥ Like something that I always wanted on Woozworld since a year ago XD is finally true! Omg this post is all filled with XD. Awkward.... Even one person asked me to add them c': Feel so loved again ♥ That person was: juicey-JELLEY
Also we have longer posts and only like 5 posts by me in one day... Awkward again...... That's all for today? o_o Noo, we have more posts from me, I'm sure XD Stay tuned!!

-Kristina ♥

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Happy Rememberance day!

Hey Newslings!

Guess what! It's Rememberance day (For Americans its Veterans day) This is a serious day to remember all the soldiers in the war and army we shouldn't forget about because they gave us freedom so yeah..I had to say such a long speech to the whole school I was shaking almost everyone was there even families o-0..I swear to god I was shaking the whole time XD I was MC too (Microphone girl thing XD) But that was the longest assembly ever..As you see there is a BOTW (Bae of the week) If you sign up you can get chosen. It's easy just click it put your username and rate. Then if you get chosen your Bae Of The Week, sounds fun too!..WNTM outfits actually look exciting and kind of intresting too. :/ ZeenaWooz looks cool but shes rude so..Who do you think is going to win?? I don't know who I think will but good luck..Oh and the hackers tbh (To be honest) I really don't think they deserve to win I mean so many people are hacking to the top..Like go hack FaceBook or something not Woozworld. All I wonder is why hack a virtual game like you know how useless that is so seriously stop hacking Woozworld. .-.

-Woozworld News Gamer c;


Hey Newslings XD New post with me (Again). I feel like my authors are so lazy to post Tbh (To be honest) XDD We need longer posts and that is for sure! So today's theme is:

                     THE WNTM OUTFITS!



Ok so maybe someone would disagree with me about the outfits. Well, personally I like the hair and the top (for girls) and maybe the top and leggings (for boys) the other stuff is YUCK! The girls outfit looks like we are aliens, really. And the boys outfit hair looks like the salon worker isn't a worker at all (that sentence has no sense omg) As I wanted to say in this sentence is that the hair looks like someone just ruined a perfect hair! Like the style now in real life and in WoozWorld sometimes looks like someone wants to puke =-= Like the Fashion Show on Fashion TV looks like real aliens, with the make up and all. I can't belive the style. If I was a designer I would make something that at least looks HUMAN! Literally, not ALIENS! For God's sake omg. Like really even Burst's authors complain about the outfits. And if you people are reading this, Hi!! XD Mya our fashion judge would know this already.I can't wait till Jay's freestyle. Next week... And I'm very curious about the WOTW (Woozen Of The Week), like who will win! Oh, and also about the WNTM (Woozworld's Next Top Model) Well this is all, for today? I think I'll post more than two posts today. And tell Leavving too, and Gamer (Dea)! That's all for today! Stay Tuned!! (Oh, and BTW (by the way) we will make posts more interesting and our blog c;) 

-Kristina ♥