Tuesday 11 November 2014

Zeena and Max!?!!??!!@#$?!@

Woozarazzi said this on the breaking news:

" WoozWeekly has the exclusive story ZEENAWOOZ DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW!
You heard it here first! You thought Mrs. Neon and the Pretty Little Mystery were gone for good, but your dedicated Woozarazzi has sniffed up some evidence that things are FAR FROM OVER with this cruel cafeteria lady.
While rummaging through the garbage in Woozworld High’s cafeteria (no need to worry about that, all part of the job), I found the following slop-stained note from Mrs. Neon to her past self, ZeenaWooz!
Zeena – be careful of your image, or you may end up a cafeteria lady for real! MW is your rival for good reason… and you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Our future is bright, but you can make it brighter! Your future self – ME – depends on it. And I take myself very seriously!
Mrs. Neon
ZeenaWooz must be cooking up a crazy scheme to try to take over for MyaWooz! A source close to the girl-gone-bad spilled the beans:
“Zeena is the definition of competition. For WNTM, you do not want to get in the way of her dreams. Her plan is to be Woozworld’s Next Top Model and start sabotaging Mya from the get-go. The real queen will reign!”
Speaking of the Woozen we love to hate, WoozWeekly has an exclusive scoop on Zeena’s LOVE LIFE! That’s right, Woozens, Zeena was seen at the hottest new restaurant in Woozworld – with a new beau on her arm. And who is this lucky gent?
And we thought Max was a broken-hearted ex, still struggling to get over his breakup. As if it wasn’t enough for this superhero-loving gamer to skip Jenny’s party, it seems clear that he’s now wooing her enemy, ZeenaWooz!
We reached out to both Zeena and MaxWooz for comment and haven’t received a reply.
I’ll keep you updated as this story unfolds!
Your Woozarazzi "

I have no words to this... I just can't ._. IT'S SO HORRIBLE!@!#!@!@#$#%!!@ HOW COULD HE DO THIS?! AND I TOUGHT MAXWOOZ WAS A GOOD PERSON ;-; (Because I won at his game 'Escape the zombie and he added me c;) I just really can't belive this that Woozarazzi said. Maybe they're lying. Who knows. Stay tuned to find out more breaking news!!!

-Kristina ♥

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