Tuesday 25 November 2014

WoozGuide @melodyartistic

Yes as you can read the titl, Newslings, today's theme is @Melodyartistic. I was looking at wwsocial-owner wallz (because he faked death, bla bla bla) and saw some videos. 2 Exacly. With @Melodyartistic in them. First one was a movie. @Melodyartistic was acting as some "princess" (or that was her name idk?) And the second one was like Woozworld comedy (Blind date). First things first SHE DOESN'T DO HER JOB! Her "Job" as she would say. Our Woozguides are horrible exept @Lost006, @Policeofficersam and @Strawbee. -.- Melody only cares when she's with Lost or does Lost love her and bla bla bla. All nonsense! She doesn't deserve the title "WoozGuide" anymore. She doesn't do anything and she supports the woozens who curse and all. She only reports the "good woozens" or the ones who "insult" her =-= Really!??! And she calls her self "WoozGuide".  What a shame. Well I wish this post was longer but I gtg (sleep, tomorrow I need to get up at 7:00 AM for school and it's 11:52 AM now..) That's all! Stay tuned, Newslings XD

-Kristina ♥

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