Wednesday 26 November 2014


Hey Newslings! We really have some important news this week! The SantaX1 thing is really creepy (His voice in the video). Oh and btw (by the way) Gamer did the 100 post special? .-. Not important now.. So here's what LilyWooz said:
P.S Logan is a girl o-0

Like, oh my god! Logan has taken a break from her busy schedule of surfing and partying to campaign for your vote! Read all about this fun-loving beach bunny's plans here.

                 Interim Santa: Logan
"Have you ever wanted a Woozmas in the sun instead of the snow? Logan, a renowned Mystic Alley beach bunny, has spent every Woozmas on the beach and would have it no other way. This surfer chick loves to have fun, but she has a spiritual side, too. Woozmas doesn’t need to be all about material goods as long as you have heat and waves. Growing up, Logan knew how fortunate she was; how she wants to share her experience with Woozens in the cold.

What is your idea of a perfect Woozmas?
OMG, I’d totally spend a gorgeous day surfing, hanging out with my closest friends and family, and then gathering around the Woozmas palm tree for an awesome beach bonfire as the sun sets. I always cook up a gnarly fruitarian feast, and sometimes we give presents – or we just share good vibes. It like totally rocks!
How do you deliver presents?
By water, duh! As a surf expert, I’m totally psyched to cruise the globe delivering gifts, just me and my trusty longboard. From the Amazonian jungles to the canals of Venice, I can handle anything! Of course, surfing isn’t the fastest way to get around, but you know people should, like, take a chill pill if their presents are a couple days late. We’re all here to chill and be together, ya know?
Why should Woozens choose you?
Like, I can promise Woozens the warmest, most relaxed Woozmas of their lives! People get too stressed out by Woozmas these days, trying to match the right colors of some like party or whatever, having the latest gadgets, or saving Wooz, when all you need is some righteous Woozmas spirit. I’m just stoked to offer Woozens a really totally awesome holiday. Like, oh, em, gee, Merry Woozmas!"

I have no words to this. It is a good idea tho XD I don't really have anything to say, my brain for this is like "Nope, just copy paste .-." Literally. That's all! Stay tuned.

-Kristina ♥

P.S. Click the adz c; -Love Tina (Kristina ♥) XD

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