Monday 24 November 2014


Soo, Newslings... Another post from me (Leavving and Gamer are so lazy I guess). So here it is.. I'll explain everything later. .-. :

Traveling back from 3015, Santax1 is here to show you some futuristic fun! Read this robot's interview explaining his campaign to be your chosen Santa here.

"Created from salvaged parts in Corotza and Colony V in the year 3015, this impressive artificial intelligence brings a futuristic spin to Woozmas. SantaX1 was originally built to destroy unwanted furniture items, but the robot soon learned that there are less fortunate Woozens that might be able to put such items to good use. While SantaX1 was learning the emotion “love,” the emotion “anger” was also growing. Growing weary of Woozens complaining about their recycled gifts, SantaX1 has become very strict on the definitions of “naughty” and “nice.”
What is your idea of a perfect Woozmas?
Technology. It is proven that artificial intelligence can compute and execute actions 1 tribillion times faster than a Woozen. H0 H0 H0, that is what you Woozens call a “joke.” But really, in 3015 technology governs every aspect of Woozmas. The tree is a hologram that cannot be destroyed by Babiz. The plasma fireplaces give off heat and scent but cannot burn down your Unitz. At dinner, a food condenser turns your Woozmas meal into pill tablets – don’t worry, you can still taste everything. It’s what you Woozens call, magical. That is a perfect Woozmas.
How do you deliver presents?
Teleportation. I move 50x faster than the speed of Woozen sound. H0 H0 H0. I am faster than Rudolf and those other reindeer. I beat them at their reindeer games too.
Why should Woozens choose you?
The future is now. It cannot be prevented. I bring you a form of Woozwas that your Woozen brains can process. Woozmas should not be about expensive or cheaply-made products that break the first time you use them. Woozmas should be about caring and being thankful with your family, not partying irresponsibly on a beach. H0 H0 H0."

The video is very creepy doe .-. Now a new Santa is "created" I guess from the future and of course LILY WOOZ FIGURED IT OUT =-= That's all the news and also I celebrated a thing called "Slava". It's a Serbian thing also Montenegro and Macedonia celebrates it. (If you don't know what it is click here) And thank you for reading? .-. I never say this don't I? It's such a weird day for me now I'm posting this at 12:03AM. That's all, stay tuned Newslings! 
-Kristina ♥

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