Tuesday 11 November 2014

Happy Rememberance day!

Hey Newslings!

Guess what! It's Rememberance day (For Americans its Veterans day) This is a serious day to remember all the soldiers in the war and army we shouldn't forget about because they gave us freedom so yeah..I had to say such a long speech to the whole school I was shaking almost everyone was there even families o-0..I swear to god I was shaking the whole time XD I was MC too (Microphone girl thing XD) But that was the longest assembly ever..As you see there is a BOTW (Bae of the week) If you sign up you can get chosen. It's easy just click it put your username and rate. Then if you get chosen your Bae Of The Week, sounds fun too!..WNTM outfits actually look exciting and kind of intresting too. :/ ZeenaWooz looks cool but shes rude so..Who do you think is going to win?? I don't know who I think will but good luck..Oh and the hackers tbh (To be honest) I really don't think they deserve to win I mean so many people are hacking to the top..Like go hack FaceBook or something not Woozworld. All I wonder is why hack a virtual game like you know how useless that is so seriously stop hacking Woozworld. .-.

-Woozworld News Gamer c;

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